Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I hate these morning surprises..

 Seriously!! No matter how many times we take out our dogs at night I STILL wake up to a mess somewhere in the house.

 We are the proud owners of 2 very loving dogs. Our oldest is Sprockets, he is a chocolate lab who has a striking resemblance of a Brown bear. No one seems to agree with me so I'm guessing its my love for bears coming out and shinning all of him. Seems to help him most when he SHITS in my kitchen. I do, however, have to give him some brownie points. This time it WAS in the kitchen (simple clean up.. when not runny) versus being on the carpet, in which case I would have lost it!

*"Lost it" - Yelling and complaining about why the hell we still have the dogs. Threaten to get rid of them and about 10 mins later talk myself out of it, cause there is no way I can get rid of Easton's best friend aaaand I don't want to live with that guilt.

  Back to what I was saying. Our second loving dog, who might I add has the WORST way of showing his   appreciation for all the CLEANING up I do for him, is Ratchet. Like the tool. Both dogs are named after tools. Why? Who the hell knows. But it is Ratchet. Not Rat shit. RatCHet. Hes our long haired dachshund. Totally cute and sweet. Also the devil. Now I don't want you to think I hate this dog, it's actually quite the opposite. I love him very much. He just has a problem with learning.

 Have you read my question I have posted on my profile on here? Yes, that question would have a lil something to do with Ratchet. I've kept him in his kennel. That didn't work. He just gets anxiety and poops in the cage. Yes the kennel is small. Not really a whole lot of room to scope out a spot and poop and then continue to share the it with the mess. I tried the whole put his nose in it thing. Doesn't work. So finally I started spanking him. Yes, spanking him. NOTHING WORKS!!

 I'm beginging to think he has his own personal vendetta against the kids. See, the thing is, he only does it in the boys room (I have a 5 yr. old named Easton and Rico who will be 2 in June). He marks their toys, their shoes, furniture, poops on the floor (thank god they're not bad poops ever) and he does also mark the table where they sit. He was actually doing really well. I think it had been about a week sense his last mess... until this morning.

 He pooped not once, but TWICE. Living-room floor and right in front of the boys door. As if Easton were to open the door to a small little reminder that Ratchet had been here.. "I'm watching you while you sleep, kid" Easton comes running out, "RatchETTT!! You pooped!! I don't like you when you poop!!" And Ratchet goes right to his kennel, knowing that's exactly where I would place him. So if he walks himself to his "time out spot" he knows perfectly well what he did was a no-no. Then why keep doing it!! Gahhh, I could scream with how frustrating this is!!

 Please if anyone has some suggestions let me know. I can't have him doing this. Its too repetitive and needs to stop. So leave your comments at the bottom, if you don't mind. Thanks all. I'm sure there is plenty more bitching and moaning to come. It too is repetitive. MUAH!   

Monday, February 20, 2012

When will you get it?!

Okay, so this is not how I wanted to start my new blogging adventure, but what I'm about to say needs to be said or I may just blow up!

 So my sister (we'll just say her name is Marie) is probably one of thee dumbest most impossible ppl to work with, ever. And I don't mean work like a coworker, I mean to just work with in general. She's stubborn and loud and trashy and extremely short tempered. I honestly can't be around her for longer then 10 mins before I want to bash her face into a wall. I'm not trying to sound tough or mean in anyway, I'm just being completely honest.

 I'm going to cut to the chase. She's not made good decisions in her life and is paying for them now. She never learns her lesson. EVER! I swear, It's like she enjoys the drama that fallows with every horrible choice she's made in her life. Now, I'm not perfect and I've never claimed to be, but when I do something wrong, I try to learn from it. Like a, "What not to do" type of thing. But she doesn't work that way. She is God, I suppose. Cause any normal rational person would have learned and moved on past all the B.S. that she's put herself and her daughter through..

 So she was dating the biggest piece of crap, sorry excuse of a man, dirt bag, ass hole and has over the weekend moved out of his place. I actually helped her move out. Not by choice, but I wanted to be there in case things went bad. She's crying, saying how she can't believe it's lead to this (what did you think the out come was going to be?! Honestly WOMAN!) So I just tell her, "learn from it, Marie. Move past all this and better yourself"

 I helped move her out and fallow to help move her stuff into storage. I was there maybe 20 mins before I had to excuse myself and leave of fear that I may knock her out. Cursing and yelling, "I need to smoke" Blah blah blah. It's all about me, BULL SHIT, I just can not handle. Again, I am not perfect and do not claim to be, however, if I was her, I'd be putting the phone down, helping put things away instead of crying and complaining about having to go through all this repetitive nonsense, putting my FAMILY through it all once again. Just learn ALREADY! Good hell, man.

.. I hacked her FB after looking and seeing that she had friend-ed the doucher that she had just moved away from. What is wrong with ppl. Why would you want to be in contact with someone that treats you like trash and in return makes you miserable? I just don't get it. Can someone please explain this to me? Anyway, Yes. I hacked her FB and blocked him. Maybe I was wrong to do that, but I feel like it's in her best interest and I'll be damned if I watch my parents, nay, my FAMILY go back on this crazy roller coaster ride I like to call "Marie's over flowing, drama filled cup, we call life"

 I just hope she comes too. I hope one day and please be one day soon. We can get the old Marie back. She's the one that needs to do the work to get better. As much as I or my Mom or Dad wants it, she needs to want it too, but she just doesn't. And until then, I'm washing my hands clean of it. I can't stress about her when I have my own family to look after and take care of. I hope one day she can see and feel this feeling of being content and happy with life. It's not easy. Life I mean, but if you try and make the best of it, it's definitely worth it.

  Sorry for all the heavy talk. This is not what my blogs will be about ALL the time, but I just needed to get it out and off my chest. GAHHH!! Annnnd, I'm feeling much better now. =)